


Arshinov, Peter. The Spanish Revolution and the Russian Experience.

Bookunin, M. The Russian Revolution in Ukraine (March 1917-April 1918) and Under the Blows of the Counter-revolution (April-June 1918) by Nestor Makhno [Review].

Limanov, Kirill. Sam Frydman – Zalmen Khaimovich Friedman.

The Role of the Anarchists in the Russian Revolution and Civil War, 1917-1921: A Case Study in Conspiratorial Party Behavior during Revolution. John W. Copp. Ph.D. diss., Columbia University, 1992. [R.

Maximoff, G. P. Maximoff on the Russian Counter-Revolution.

Fabbri, Luigi. Revolution and Dictatorship (On one anarchist who has forgotten his principles [Victor Serge]).

Yarchuk, Efim. A Letter from Yarchuk.

Lazarevitch, Nicholas, Ida Mett and David Grigor’evich Polyakov. Lest the Spanish Revolution Finish Up Like the Russian.

Read, Herbert. Books: The Russian Terror [Review of The Guillotine at Work].

Skirda, Alexandre and Efim Yarchuk. Kronstadt in the Russian Revolution.

Osugi Sakae, -. Anarchist General: Nestor Makhno.

In Russia's Prisons.

Heath, Nick. The Third Revolution? Peasant and worker resistance to the Bolshevik government.

Heath, Nick. The Third Revolution? Peasant and worker resistance to the Bolshevik government.

A salute to Alexandre Skirda 1942-2020.

Makhno, Nestor. Makhno's Opinion of Lenin and Leninism.

KSL: Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library No. 66, April 2011.

Goldman, Emma. Heroic women of the Russian Revolution.

Mett, Ida. Open Letter to Romain Rolland.

Alexandre Skirda, Nestor Makhno - Anarchy's Cossack : The Struggle for Free Soviets in the Ukraine, 1917-1921 [Review].

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